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Thank you for expressing interest in understanding electronic pollution and your commitment to addressing this unprecedented exposure in a constructive manner.

We empower you to take the knowledge you will gain from our book and translate it into action. Remember, you have the power to initiate change, starting with yourself and within your home.


Book: Holistic EMF Protection Made Easy


The topic of EMF radiation exposure and what you can and should do about it can be confusing. This confusion doesn’t stem from difficulty taking action but rather from the abundance of conflicting information, ineffective solutions, and uncertainty about where to begin. The book HOLISTIC EMF PROTECTION MADE EASY aims to assist its readers in navigating through these challenges.

As the title suggests, the book adheres to the Holistic Approach to supporting health and well-being. It doesn’t promote esoteric or ‘harmonizing’ products but instead offers well-designed, verifiable solutions that are explained in detail.

Holistic EMF Protection Made Easy Book

An Understandable Journey for Readers

EMF radiation and EMF protection might seem confusing, but they are not difficult to understand. The book “HOLISTIC EMF PROTECTION MADE EASY” provides a clear path to follow, and I would like to share what you will find inside.

Foreword by Professor Olle Johansson

Professor Olle Johansson, a highly respected scientific researcher, kindly wrote a foreword for our book after thoroughly reviewing the manuscript earlier this year. As co-authors, we were truly grateful for his support in encouraging potential readers to focus on the topic of Electronic Pollution and to purchase, read, and take action based on our book.

Professor Olle Johansson

Sources of EMF Radiation

My colleague David Lange from Australia and I, Martin Latino from the USA, aim to improve readers’ understanding and awareness of various radiation sources. These include transmission lines, local distribution lines, cables in homes, appliances, phone towers, and wireless technology.

Research and EHS

Noura Othman, a pharmacist based in Egypt, delves into extensive research on EMF radiation. She highlights the inadequacy of current legal limits in protecting our health and explains the increasing occurrence of functional impairment, known as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), from both public health and personal perspectives.

How to Use an Amateur EMF Meter

Beata Rakowski from Canada shares valuable insights on what to consider when purchasing and using an amateur EMF meter. While many people own EMF meters, understanding how to handle them, their limitations, and interpreting the displayed data is crucial. Beata thoroughly covers these aspects and provides a practical demonstration using the popular Trifled TF2 meter as a reference.

The Professional EMF Home Assessment

Samir Derrar from the UK explains what the authors of this book can help with conducting a professional home assessment for EMF radiation. It’s important to fully understand the extent of radiation exposure in a home before deciding on any mitigation measures. Assessing how the body resonates with radio-frequency radiation, in particular, can reveal hidden health burdens. Some issues may be impossible to fix, in which case it’s important to consider alternatives such as moving to a different home. This chapter also provides guidance on the right questions to ask when evaluating someone who claims to be an EMF consultant.

Little Things You Can Do in Your Home Right Now to Reduce EMF

Jason King from the USA, offers valuable insights into minimizing EMF exposure from devices at home and discusses the crucial topic of cell phone usage.

Shielding Radio Frequency Radiation with Shielding Paint

Marcus Schluschen from Canada will walk you through the details of shielding paint. While we strongly advise seeking professional consultation before starting any shielding project, this chapter aims to demonstrate that protecting yourself with shielding paint is feasible with the right approach. This chapter will also provide valuable guidance for those looking to apply shielding paint to safeguard their families.

Shielding Radio- and Low-Frequency Radiation by Other Means

Australian Engineer Azul Fernandez, currently based in Italy, discusses other solutions that can be applied to radio-frequency radiation and mitigation options against low-frequency radiation from electrical sources.

Electrical Wiring and Electrical Troubleshooting

Professional Engineer and Master Electrician Farzad Nejatpour from Canada does a great job of explaining electrical systems in homes using language that anyone can understand. He also delves into complex situations, like net current, that can cause magnetic fields, usually requiring an electrician’s expertise to address. This section is beneficial for those encountering rare problems and less experienced electricians who have been called upon to assist families in addressing these issues.

Solar Power Done in a Safer Way

Allen Cheney, based in Australia, has extensive hands-on experience in setting up solar power systems that produce significantly lower levels of typical electromagnetic field (EMF) emissions. This makes his expertise suitable for individuals seeking to install solar power systems in a safer manner or to reduce typical EMF issues in existing systems.

Mattresses and Their Link to EMF Radiation and Health

Patrick offers a valuable reminder about the significance of selecting the right mattress as a key factor in establishing a health-supportive sleeping environment.

Radiation-Free Building for Lifestyle and Health

Patrick explores Radiation-Free Building in the book Holistic EMF Protection Made Easy, sharing important considerations that can offer multiple benefits.

Each chapter contains valuable information, and some authors have included QR codes for accessing additional resources at the end of their chapters.

Now Available for Purchase

HOLISTIC EMF PROTECTION MADE EASY is currently offered as a Kindle edition on Amazon, and plans are underway for paper editions to be available in both paperback and hardcover formats soon.

To easily access more information about the book’s content and authors, visit the dedicated website: