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Radiation Science

Natural Radiation

What is Geobiology?

Geobiology is an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of geology, biology, and other sciences to study the interactions between the Earth’s physical environment and living organisms. It explores how geological processes, such as the composition of rocks, soil, and water, influence the distribution and behavior of organisms. Geobiologists investigate various aspects, including the impact of environmental factors on the physiology, behavior, and adaptation of organisms, the role of microbes in biogeochemical cycles, and the influence of geological events. By studying these interactions, geobiology aims to gain insights into the complex relationships between the Earth and its living inhabitants.

Florida's underground spring water
Earth's magnetic field

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic stress refers to energy excesses emanating from the Earth’s natural radiation and electromagnetic fields. It is caused by underground water veins, geological faults, and certain mineral deposits (ground mixing).

The study of the environment has been around since ancient times. Like feng shui, geopathic stress has gained momentum thanks to European pioneers, such as Dr. Ernst Hartmann and Dr. Manfred Curry, for their extensive work. This state-of-the-art research has been carried out by geologists, engineers, physicians, biologists, health practitioners, and other medical researchers.

Dr. Ernst Hartmann

Dr. Ernst Hartmann was a German medical doctor and author who lived from 1915 to 1992. He is known for his work in the field of geobiology, specifically for his research on what he called “Hartmann lines” or “Hartmann grid.” According to his theory, these lines are a network of electromagnetic radiation that crisscrosses the Earth’s surface and can potentially have negative effects on human health. Dr. Hartmann’s research and writings on geobiology have influenced the concept of geopathic stress and the existence of these energies.

Dr. Manfred Curry

Dr. Manfred Curry was a German physicist and inventor who lived from 1899 to 1953. He made significant contributions to the field of geophysics and electromagnetic radiation. Dr. Curry conducted research on the Earth’s natural electromagnetic fields and proposed the existence of what is known as the “Curry grid.” This grid refers to a global network of electromagnetic lines that can have implications for human health.

Geopathic Stress and Health Effects

Humans today are becoming increasingly sick and less resistant than before to natural influences; this can be due to a stress load, weakening of the immune system, unhealthy lifestyle, disruption of the Circadian Rhythm, increased artificial radiation, and pollution.

Stationary prolonged exposure to geopathic stress can have adverse effects on human health and well-being, including disrupted sleep, weakened immune system, increased stress levels, general feeling of unease, discomfort, soreness, fatigue, headache, or even cancer.

Geological faults

Geopathic Stress Assessment

Geopathic stress zones can be detected by applying protocols such as the one used by GEOVITAL Academy. A house or office can evaluate the possible risk factors for people’s health in areas of greater permanence, such as places of study or rest. After the assessment is completed, solutions can be implemented that suit each situation.